We are solving the challenges in email list building with leaad magnets for ...


Individuals running online businesses or working independently who seek to grow their audience and increase opt-in success through compelling freebies.

Online Entrepreneurs


SMBs aiming to expand their customer base, improve lead generation, and enhance their overall digital marketing strategies by leveraging effective opt-in freebies.

Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs) Owners


Online retailers looking to boost customer engagement, build loyalty, and drive conversions by offering valuable opt-in freebies as incentives for email sign-ups.

E-commerce Stores


Content creators, such as bloggers, podcasters, and YouTubers, who want to increase their subscriber base, foster a loyal community, and enhance their content monetization efforts through well-crafted opt-in freebies.

Digital Content Creators


Influencers can leverage lead magnets to capture valuable contact information from their audience and nurture them into potential customers or clients, enhancing their marketing efforts beyond social media platforms.



Professionals offering coaching, consulting, or mentoring services who want to attract and convert leads by offering valuable opt-in resources that demonstrate their expertise and provide value to potential clients.

Coaches and Consultants


Individuals or organizations in the e-learning industry who aim to build their email list, engage learners, and increase course enrollments by providing valuable opt-in freebies related to their course topics.

Online Course Creators


Operators of membership-based platforms seeking to attract and retain members by offering exclusive opt-in freebies as part of their membership benefits.

Operators of membership-based platforms


Organizers of virtual or in-person events who want to enhance attendee engagement, drive event registrations, and build long-term relationships with event participants through enticing opt-in freebies.

Event Organizers


Affiliate marketers aiming to increase their affiliate commissions and build an email subscriber list by promoting high-value opt-in freebies related to their niche products or services.

Affiliate Marketers


Health coaches, nutritionists, fitness trainers, and wellness practitioners looking to attract and engage potential clients by offering valuable opt-in resources related to health, fitness, and well-being.

Health and Wellness Professionals


Artists, designers, photographers, and other creative professionals seeking to showcase their work, build their online presence, and attract potential clients or customers through visually appealing opt-in freebies.

Creative Professionals


Real estate agents and agencies aiming to generate leads, capture potential buyers or sellers, and establish themselves as trusted experts in the industry by offering valuable opt-in resources related to buying, selling, or investing in real estate.

Real Estate Agents


Developers of software applications or mobile apps who want to build a user base, gather user feedback, and drive app downloads by offering valuable opt-in resources, such as guides, templates, or exclusive access to beta versions.

Software and App Developers


Travel agencies, hotels, resorts, and tour operators interested in attracting potential travelers, building customer loyalty, and increasing bookings by providing enticing opt-in freebies, such as travel guides, exclusive discounts, or customized itineraries.

Travel and Hospitality Businesses Owners


Financial advisors, insurance agents, or investment firms aiming to establish credibility, build relationships with potential clients, and collect leads by offering valuable opt-in resources related to financial planning, wealth management, or insurance.

Financial Services Providers


Schools, colleges, training centers, or educational institutions looking to expand their student base, engage prospective learners, and promote their courses or programs by offering informative opt-in resources, such as course catalogs, educational guides, or study materials.

Education and Training Institutions


Podcasters leverage lead magnets to grow their audience and engage with listeners. By offering valuable resources like bonus episodes, exclusive content, or downloadable guides, they attract subscribers and build a loyal community around their podcast.



Lawyers, accountants, consultants, or other professional service providers seeking to attract potential clients, demonstrate expertise, and establish trust by offering valuable opt-in resources related to their respective industries or areas of specialization.

Professional Service Providers


Challenges in using freelancers or agencies

You can benefit from the expertise and specialized services offered by freelancers or agencies for creating and optimizing custom opt-in freebies. They, however, pose some challenges:

  • Limited Expertise or Niche Focus: Some freelancers or agencies may have limited expertise or a narrow focus, which may not align with the specific needs or goals for you.
  • Lack of Iterative Testing: Limited availability or emphasis on iterative testing and optimization may hinder the ability to fine-tune opt-in freebies for optimal conversion rates.
  • Cost and Budget Constraints: Hiring freelancers or agencies for custom opt-in freebie creation can be costly, especially if you have constraints on budgets or resources.

Challenges in using online courses and other resources

You can gain access to comprehensive online resources and courses that can empower you with the knowledge and skills to independently create and optimize your own compelling opt-in freebies. However, this poses some challenges:

  • Information Overwhelm: The abundance of online information may leave you feeling overwhelmed, making it difficult to filter through and identify the most effective strategies.
  • Time-Intensive Learning Process: Learning to create and optimize opt-in freebies on your own can be time-consuming, potentially delaying the implementation of your marketing strategies.
  • Inconsistent Results: Going it alone may lead to inconsistent results in terms of opt-in rates and audience engagement for your freebies.



Challenge in using an option of having a full time team member

You gain dedicated expertise focused on optimizing conversions, tailoring strategies to your business needs. Some key challenges here include:

  • High Cost Burden: Hiring a full-time professional for opt-in freebie creation and optimization can be financially challenging, especially for small businesses or startups.
  • Limited Skill Set: Depending on the expertise of a single professional can result in a limited range of skills and ideas, potentially hindering creativity and innovation in opt-in freebie strategies.
  • Conversion Optimization Expertise: Hiring a full-time professional may not guarantee expertise in conversion optimization, leading to potential challenges in improving conversion rates effectively.

Maximize Opt-In Success

Get ready to take your lead magnets to the next level! Our structured approach will empower you to brainstorm, collaborate, and validate your ideas. With our expertise, iterative testing, and proven strategies, you'll capture the attention of your desired audience and boost engagement.

Features of our solution

Build and optimise

We're experts in lead magnet, from designing to deploying to lead signups.

Converion centric

Our lead generation plan designs are built to convert leads into customers.

Test & learn

Through methodical testing, we lift conversion rates at every turn.

Single focus

Our primary focus is on the conversion flow to optimize bottom line results.

Variety of lead magnets

Diverse collection of compelling lead magnets to attract and engage your target audience.

Manual outreach

Efficient manual outreach capabilities to connect with potential leads and maximize opt-in success.

Pricing Options For All Levels

Designer Plan

Completed in 15 days

  • Lead Magnet Creation
  • Identify target audience
  • Brainstorm of lead magnet options
  • Design 1 top of sales funnel lead magnet

Outreach Plan

Completed in 45 days

  • Lead Magnet Creation
  • Identify target audience
  • Brainstorm of lead magnet options
  • Design 1 top of sales funnel lead magnet

  • Outreach through cold emails
  • 1 Mini landing page
  • Setup welcome message for subscribers
  • Sending cold emails with lead magnet to 5000 prospects
  • Free 1 months access to email marketing tools
  • Pro Plan @ $50 of Sendout.Ninja
  • Premium Plan @ $60 of B2B-Funnel

Converter Plan

Completed in 45 days

  • Lead Magnet Creation
  • Identify target audience
  • Brainstorm of lead magnet options
  • Design 1 top and 1 middle of sales funnel lead magnets
  • Outreach through cold emails
  • 2 Mini landing page
  • Setup welcome messages for subscribers
  • Sending cold emails with lead magnet to 10000 prospects
  • Free 1 months access to email marketing tools
  • Pro Plan @ $50 of Sendout.Ninja
  • Premium Plan @ $60 of B2B-Funnel

Ready to get started with your
email list building?

Set up a 15 minutes Zoom call (or GoogleMeet call) to find more as to
whether we can work together.

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Some past projects


Have Doubts If You Have Got What It takes To Be A Beta Tester For Outdoor Products? Find it out in less than 5 minutes.

Find beta testing score


Join this online conversation about nutrition principles and meal planning ideas that you can apply to any style of backpacking.

Free Webinar
Meal Planning for Backpacking


With this two-minute quiz, you can find out if a data science career for you at all? Do you have the skills? Can you learn it? Will you enjoy it?

Is Data Science For You?
Mass Street Data School


Ready to use templates in this eBook gives you a head start. With minor tweaks, you are ready to go!

50 Curated & Tested Cold Email Templates for Makers


A free ebook with curated sales scripts templates to get you results.

50 B2B Sales Scripts


Win a $20 Gift card for a restaurant of your choice. Answer 10 simple questions and enter a contest to win a prize.

Great American Food
Food Guru

What experts say about building email list using
lead magnets ...


"Lead magnets are the key to growing a high-quality email list."

Neil Patel
Neil Patel Digital


"Lead magnets are the key to capturing the attention of your website visitors and turning them into loyal subscribers."

Pradeep Chopra
Digital Vidya


"The power of lead magnets lies in their ability to provide immediate value and solve a specific problem for your audience."

Derek Halpern
Social Triggers


"Delivering valuable lead magnets allows you to build trust with your audience and position yourself as an authority in your niche."

Swati Bhargava


"Lead magnets are like a virtual handshake that allows you to initiate a relationship with your audience, leading to long-term engagement and business growth."

Prasant Naidu
Lighthouse Insights


"Lead magnets are the bridge between your audience's needs and your valuable content."

Jeff Walker


"Lead magnets allow you to showcase your expertise and build trust with your audience from the start."

Lewis Howes
The School of Greatness Podcast


"The success of list building depends on the value and relevance of your lead magnets."

Chris Brogan
Owner Media Group


"Lead magnets are like a magnet that attracts your ideal customers, allowing you to nurture them and build a relationship through email marketing."

Ankur Warikoo

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    Looking for more help beyond getting lead magnets crafted to your needs?

    We can assist you in running cold email campaign or run social media ad campaign using lead magnets.
    Get started on custom quote for any of these additional services.

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